Valores |
Categoria |
11 |
Not married |
23 |
Infrequent sex |
24 |
Menopausal, hyster. |
25 |
Subfecund, infecund |
26 |
Postpartum, breastfe |
27 |
Wants more children |
31 |
Respondent opposed |
32 |
Husband opposed |
33 |
Others opposed |
34 |
Religious prohibit. |
41 |
Knows no method |
42 |
Knows no source |
51 |
Health concerns |
52 |
Fear side effects |
53 |
Lack of access |
54 |
Cost too much |
55 |
Inconvenient to use |
56 |
Interfere with body |
95 |
No other reason |
96 |
Other |
Cuidado: Esta cifra indica el número de casos encontrados en la base de datos. No se pueden interpretar como estadísticas descriptivas de la población estudiada.